Lately, near the solstice
July 17, 2005 #NAD C320BEE finally set up in the living room. Still need a phono preamp but CDs and iPod running smoothly through. Sound is suprising more natural as is the claim with NAD. All i need now are some speakers to gently allow these musicians/artists to take up residence in house and make their magic.
Reading Harper's this week, an interesting story about a young artist who eventually turns out to be A.Hitler. The protaganist gives him the chance to get in to art school as her dying powers allow. This changes the course of world events... much for the better.
Before that:
- Ellen Lupton's Thinking With Typography.
- Mark Helprin's short stories.
- Design (originally Psychology) of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman.
- Call Of The Wild by Jack London (with more of his stories lined up).
- Turn of the Screw by Henry James.
Item originally posted to a defunct personal wordpress installation